"Clothes don't mean anything until someone lives in them."

- Marc Jacobs -


We reward your look! Bohemian has quickly become the brand of the most demanding customers. Those of you who know what you are looking for, what you want and how you want it. For this reason, because we know that you are another roll and another level, we have come up with an initiative that we hope will be to your liking.

From June 10th to June 30th, we have decided to award the three looks that we like the most, among the girls Bohemian that make up this community of unique women.

Women's shoes Bohemian Shoes
We reward your look

Prize for all... What will it consist of?

The "holders" of the three best looks will receive a gift card with 200 euros, to choose their "must have" until September 30. But this is Bohemian... So not only the winners will get a prize... All participants, whether you win or not, will have access to a model that I have recently developed (which I will soon reveal), and that will be available exclusively for those who dare to participate. A "win - win" in every way 🙂

Pay attention to the following lines... Because I'm going to explain you how we are going to do it 🙂

Mary Janes Bohemian Shoes
We reward your look

We reward your look with your Bohemian How can you participate?

Upload a photo with your favorite BOHEMIAN on Instagram (in the feed and in Stories), using the hashtag #bohemiansquad and mentioning the profile @bohemianshoes.

In case your profile is not public, you can send us a Direct Message, with the screenshot of the feed and storie publication.

On July 1st we will publish through our stories the six finalists, so that you will be the ones to choose three winners. As I mentioned before, each of the winners will receive a gift card with 200 euros and all the participants will be able to choose a new model developed specifically for this occasion.

We Bohemian girls are divine and we feel unstoppable... So, come on, participate and show off your style. You know... From today until June 30. Good luck to all of you!


Eva Veiga - Bohemian Shoes


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