"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart."

- The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry -


They say that you always go back to the places where you were happy. Ten years ago, when we were living in Brittany and my eldest daughter was a girl and my youngest a baby of a few months, my husband and I decided to take a getaway in Normandy. A land where you can breathe history and fresh air, and where time seems to have stopped. A region that overwhelms, where we discovered places and people that will always remain in our minds. And yes... We were happy there.

That is why we decided to return this Easter. Exactly the same places we visited two decades ago; with the girls already "grown up", as a family as we do everything, and with the pause and serenity that come with the passing of the years.

GRANT blouse by Petit Etincelle
Blouse GRANT by Petit Etincelle

This time our brand has traveled with us, which is inseparable from our values, our way of seeing life and the way we show ourselves to it. We have traveled to Normandy to enjoy this wonderful land and to make the first shooting of the next Autumn - Winter Collection. A Shooting in which we have been able to enjoy some blouses of le Petit étincellea French brand that breathes closeness, affection, personality and savoir faire through every pore. And that creates unique garments that we have fallen in love with.

The site of our essence

We have chosen Normandy because this region represents like few places the essence of the essence of our brand. That unhurried affection and the connection between body and mind that we seek to capture in our shoes. That seal that distinguishes us, that you either have or you don't and that we wouldn't change for anything in the world.

Colors of Normandy. The site of our essence
Colors of Normandy. The site of our essence

The experience has been more than enriching. And the fact is that we have enjoyed working and we have worked enjoying. An Easter Week in which we have mixed the passion for what it means, with a work that we love and that every time we perform with greater commitment.

None of the above would be a reality without those of you who make it possible for our commitment to grow season after season. And the fact is that you have carried us along and made things very easy. I can never thank you enough for continuing to trust me and my brand. You, like those places where time stands still, are what moves this brand; and what fills us with the desire to continue giving everything every day.

One style, one brand
One style, one brand

Once again, a thousand thanks for so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making the best of Bohemian is always to come.

A big hug.


Eva Veiga - Bohemian Shoes -

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