"If you pay a little more, we can live a little better".

- Sharti Atka, garment worker from Bangladesh -


You will not see many posters or bright lights announcing discounts of up to 20, 30, ... , 70 % on Calle Serrano or Passeig de Gràcia, to name just a few streets with tradition and exclusive brands. Nor will you see them on the websites or in the shop windows of brands such as Boüret, Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton, Miu Miu, Dior, Céline... Neither in Bohemian.

And the long-awaited January SALE arrives, so that our eyes are twinkling and the tree does not let us see the forest. In other words, the "offers" (note the quotation marks) cloud our vision and prevent us from seeing reality. And the fact is that such "offers" often correspond to the same products offered throughout the year at an (excessively) high price, and which are now (finally) offered at a fair/proportionate price. At Bohemian we prefer to offer you just that, the fairest and most proportionate price, 365 days a year. It's as simple as that. That's why among other things, Bohemian does not participate in sales, Black FridayCyber Monday and all those initiatives that, with one name or another, are the same thing and pursue the same thing: to sell at all costs.

We do it because we know what we make and the value of our work; because we work hard to offer you the best and only the best; and because we believe that true luxury, exclusivity and slow fashion, do not lower themselves. Because they are much more than just merchandise... They are a way of life, a way of giving oneself to others, of interpreting the world, of understanding it and of showing oneself to it.

The tree that prevents to see the forest

As a sustainable brand, we will never jump on that bandwagon. What is the true value of shoes that yesterday were very expensive and today are cheap? To what extent is the effort put into designing and producing them valued? Are they not really overpriced products? To what extent are those who place their trust in a brand valued and respected when prices are based on strictly commercial or opportunity criteria? How, by whom and under what conditions is what we buy at a discounted price manufactured? Are workers' rights also being undermined? rights of workers (mostly women) in the (mostly women) in the textile industry? And the million-dollar question: Why are prices not adjusted 365 days a year or are they only applied to a certain number of items?

For a fair and ethical price all year round. Why in Bohemian we go on sale.

We are a small, family-owned brand. At Bohemian we work very hard 365 days a year (not hyperbole) to offer the best prices. There are no secrets... We simply adjust our profit margins and minimize expenses by personally performing many tasks that are normally assigned to individuals or companies outside the brands themselves (social media management, customer service, website management, customer service, photo and video editing, blog writing, etc). This way we ensure a fair price for you, for us, for the people who make this dream and each design come true, and for the planet. Because everything goes to the quality of your shoes and the service provided. Thus, in Bohemian we all win and we always win.

So we are proud to advocate for a different way of consuming and producing; to make these actions an act of conscience to pave the way towards sustainability sustainabilityWe are proud to advocate for a different way of consuming and producing; to make these actions an act of conscience to pave the way towards sustainability, on a planet that is crying out for protection. Bohemian will always be there. One style, a few brands... All different, (truly) exclusive and recognizable.

If you are shopping on sale, I would ask you to STOP for a second and THINK for a moment if what is on sale is really worth it, if it is ethical and if you need it... If so, don't hesitate to buy it. And, of course, don't lose sight of those brands that strive to offer you the best, at the fairest and most proportionate price all year round. You will be surprised that there are not few, that they are worth more than they cost and that they produce good, beautiful and within the reach of many.

A big hug.


Eva Veiga - Bohemian Shoes

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