The best is yet to come


"There is nothing like a dream to create the future".

- Victor Hugo - Les Misérables -

In a few hours 2019 comes to an end, a round year for Bohemian. Round because we have managed to start a dream starting from scratch and with nothing but the shoes on our feet. That dream was none other than to reach you through our shoes... A year that began full of unknowns... And no doubts. Because we know what we are like and what we can give.

Unknowns, yes... But we were not afraid of work, because we have been brought up in a culture of hard work since we were children. We were not afraid of uncertainty, because we are optimistic by nature. Nor were we worried about setbacks, because we see in each one of them the opportunity to learn and be better. We had no doubt that, even though we were small, we would offer a quality and service on a par with the biggest. Because we are self-demanding, perfectionists and faithful to our values of respect and humility... And we were not intimidated by the competition. Because when what really matters in a brand are people and numbers take a back seat, competition simply fades away... And this brand is none other than each and every one of you.

The best is always yet to come

And with a new year about to begin, we are already there, giving our all and at cruising speed, having done the most complicated thing, which is to get going. True to ourselves, strong-minded, optimistic, with twice as much enthusiasm as we started this journey and much more experienced. We knew it would take more or less time... But we were absolutely convinced that Bohemian would have a chance. And that opportunity is already tangible and has arrived sooner than we expected. We started this adventure a little over a year ago as we do everything... With love and without haste... 2019 has put us on the map and all that remains is for us to grow, because we have an open ocean in front of us. I am happy and grateful to those of you who make it possible. In 2020 we will continue to improve, because we don't know how to do things any other way.

Geranium suede Olivia ballerina from Bohemian Shoes

I always like to say that the best is yet to come. And that is my wish for you in the new year. To each and every one of you who make it possible for this dream to take shape, to those of you who feel in some way connected to the principles and values that our brand embodies, I wish you a year full of health, hugs, laughter and love.

May 2020 count among your best 100 years.


Eva Veiga - Bohemian Shoes


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